New Orleans Hash House Harriers


About NOH3

Welcome to NOH3, home of the New Orleans Hash House Harriers. Here you will find everything you need to take part in the New Orleans chapter of the world's largest "drinking club with a running problem." We meet every week of the year to run a 3 to 5 mile trail through the great city of New Orleans' streets, alleys and parks. Afterwards we conduct an entertaining ceremony known as "the circle" where we enjoy cold beer and some good laughs. We're a very social group. Our members come from all walks of life, all age groups (21+) and all abilities of running from slow to fast. Our one and only goal is to have fun! Welcome and On-On!


Upcoming Events

You can find us on trail or at your local watering hole. All events for NOH3 can be found in our Google calendar

Upcoming Events

You can find us on trail or at your local watering hole. All events for NOH3 can be found in our Google calendar